s0237lre 15 1000 115200 s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 -756 27956 0 i s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 -9 -5301 0 ii s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 748 -12551 0 iii s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 382 -3874 0 avr s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 -753 23660 0 avl s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 370 -13947 0 avf s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 -141 -32626 0 v1 s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 -212 -28859 0 v2 s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 -412 18522 0 v3 s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 -297 5086 0 v4 s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 -575 8301 0 v5 s0237lre.dat 16 2000 16 0 -32 -28194 0 v6 s0237lre.xyz 16 2000 16 0 -266 23506 0 vx s0237lre.xyz 16 2000 16 0 599 15563 0 vy s0237lre.xyz 16 2000 16 0 -96 20665 0 vz # age: 40 # sex: male # ECG date: 17/01/1992 # Diagnose: # Reason for admission: Myocardial infarction # Acute infarction (localization): infero-lateral # Former infarction (localization): no # Additional diagnoses: Hyperlipoproteinemia Type IIa # Smoker: yes # Number of coronary vessels involved: 1 # Infarction date (acute): 16-Jan-92 # Previous infarction (1) date: n/a # Previous infarction (2) date: n/a # Hemodynamics: # Catheterization date: 23-Jan-92 # Ventriculography: Hypokinesia postero-lateral wall # Chest X-ray: normal # Peripheral blood Pressure (syst/diast): 120/70 mmHg # Pulmonary artery pressure (at rest) (syst/diast): 27/6 cmH2O # Pulmonary artery pressure (at rest) (mean): 15 cmH2O # Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (at rest): 7 cmH2O # Cardiac output (at rest): 7,31 l/min # Cardiac index (at rest): 3,8 l/min/sqrmBSA # Stroke volume index (at rest): 53.0 ml/beat # Pulmonary artery pressure (laod) (syst/diast): 23/9 cmH2O # Pulmonary artery pressure (laod) (mean): 16 cmH2O # Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (load): 6 cmH2O # Cardiac output (load): 14,2 l/min # Cardiac index (load): 7,5 l/min/sqrmBSA # Stroke volume index (load): 65 ml/beat # Aorta (at rest) (syst/diast): n/a # Aorta (at rest) mean: n/a # Left ventricular enddiastolic pressure: n/a # Left coronary artery stenoses (RIVA): No stenoses # Left coronary artery stenoses (RCX): RCX distal to ramus marginalis sinister_1 80%, distal to ramus marginalis sinister_2 90%. Ramus marginalis sinister_2 50% at origin # Right coronary artery stenoses (RCA): No stenoses # Echocardiography: n/a # Therapy: # Infarction date: 16-Jan-92 # Catheterization date: 23-Jan-92 # Admission date: 16-Jan-92 # Medication pre admission: - # Start lysis therapy (hh.mm): 12:45 # Lytic agent: Streptokinase # Dosage (lytic agent): 1.5 Mio IE # Additional medication: Magnesium Metprolol ASA Diazepam # In hospital medication: ASA Metoprolol # Medication after discharge: ASA Captopril Bezafibratone